Payment Options

  1. Pay in full – Pay in full by the payment deadline, and avoid all service charges.
  2. Payment Plan – MSU Denver offers convenient payment plan options for a one-time $35 enrollment fee. The 4% fee will be waived for students who enroll in a payment plan, however, students are still subject to the monthly service charges of 1.5% throughout the semester, until the balance is paid in full. After census date, a Balance Due Hold will be placed on the student’s account if the balance is greater than $2000. Students in a payment plan will have to pay their balance down to $2000 or less in order to register for courses.
  3. Pay as you go – You may choose to pay throughout the semester on your own, however, in addition to the 4% service charge, any unpaid balance will be subject to a 1.5% service charge on the 7th working day of each month. Please see the Important Dates publication for more information about monthly deadlines. A Balance Due Hold will be placed on the student’s account until resolved.

Payment Methods

MSU Denver accepts the following forms of payment for tuition and fees charges. Funds must be received by the Office of Cashiering prior to posted due dates to avoid service charges.  Funds may not exceed the total amount of tuition and fees charges for the given semester.  Payments received for more than the total amount of charges may be refused.

Payment Methods

Payment Plans

MSU Denver is now offering convenient payment plans to students, allowing you to pay in manageable monthly installments. You can use a plan to pay all or part of your tuition, avoiding the high interest rates that normally come with a traditional loan – with one low $35.00 fee at enrollment.*

Payment plans offer:

  • A simple enrollment process ensures your payment plan is set up properly with the school.
  • Payments conveniently made electronically – no postage or lines to worry about! (Auto Pay option available).
  • Easy access to manage your account online.
  • Avoid a 4% service charge at the beginning of the semester by enrolling in a payment plan!

How do I enroll in a payment plan?

Third-Party Sponsorships

Sponsorship Authorization Form

MSU Denver plays a major role in educating Denver’s workforce. As a business-friendly university, MSU Denver offers a convenient way for businesses and public sector organizations to subsidize the cost of attendance.

To participate in this program:

  1. Print the Sponsorship Authorization Form
  2. Have a human resource officer or other authorized representative from your company complete the form
  3. Deliver the form to the Office of the Bursar:
    1. Email the form to, or
    2. Mail the form to: Metropolitan State University of Denver, Office of the Bursar, Campus Box 92, P.O. Box 173362Denver, CO 80217-3362

Third-party Sponsor Authorization Forms must be turned into the Office of the Bursar by the Payment Deadline. Sponsored students are responsible for all service charges incurred due to the late submission of required documents. Sponsored students are also responsible for all charges not covered by their sponsorship as well as any payments refused, or deemed uncollectible, by their sponsor. Third-party sponsors will not be billed for tuition and fees until after the last date to add/drop classes. If you have financial aid, your award will be applied to your tuition and fees first and refunds from third-party sponsors will not be issued until after payment has been received.